Friday, 30 May 2008


Here are the strips that I'm stripping for my latest quilt. I've got a head a-buzzing with many an idea 0n how to cut and place these strippy bits. It's a long weekend over in Perth this weekend and it's my birthday on Sunday too. There's two good reasons why I should be able to warm my sewing chair up and get cracking.
Oh, excitment above all excitement, I won some Liberty bits from Townnouse !!!! Check out Kristine's beautiful blog and her wonderful children's clothing range.


Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

Oh loving all those colours and patterns together - they look very ice-creamy. Delish!

Alinta said...

HI Sarah

THanks for 'popping' in to my blog lol!!
And i would absolutly LOVE to borrow that magazine, i have called every bookstore in Perth, Borders still dont have it, and i really want to have a flick through. How did you get your hands on it so quickly hey??? THankyou, no doubt ill be in Tuesday, have a lovely rugged up weekend:)
