Saturday, 1 March 2008

Dream a little dream with me.....

How hot is this? I likey a lot! Actually, it comes in other fun colours, like a deep turquoise. I really like that one. Of course, it's French - made by a company called Moissonnier. It's not on my wish list, it's on my dream list! And whilst I'm on my dream list....I'll keep going and have one of these large rooms and these gorgeous Designers Guild lovelies.


Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

heck, i nearly had a heart attack - i thought you had thrifted that top piece - or found it on the street!! now wouldn't that be a find!! gorgeous. x

Anonymous said...

You could paint your dresser at home like that one...I,ve got four litres of hot pink begging!!!!!